
What is quantum computing?

Quantum computers are hypothetical devices that we are trying to make a reality. They store and process information in a fundamentally different way from conventional computers by using qubits (quantum bits). This allows them to solve some computational problems in far fewer clock cycles than a conventional computer. Many of these problems are so complex that we don’t believe conventional computers will ever be able to solve them, yet a quantum computer could.

Several experts have tried to explain quantum computing in 35 seconds and it is worth a read. Personally, I think it is one of the few very topics that really can’t be understood that quickly.

What is fault-tolerant quantum computing?

We want our quantum computers to be reliable and give the correct answer most of the time. Unfortunately, qubits are much more fragile than bits, and often get corrupted during computation. This can be solved designing the quantum computer so that it tolerates faults. Most people are familiar with fault-tolerance even if they don’t realise it. I like to compare with how compact disks tolerate some mild scratching.

What do I do, exactly!

My main research focus is on fault-tolerant quantum computing, but this is a very broad topic. Below I have broken up my research interests into distinct subtopics. Under each page, you will find a brief introduction to the topic, followed by a slightly more technical list of my contributions to the area.